Carolinas eClubs
Carolinas eClubs are Internet clubs for golfers who do not wish to join a traditional club . Registration is quick, easy, entirely online and can be completed within minutes. You can apply based on the geographic region of your residence determined by zip code.
Join the Carolinas eClub
Frequently Asked Questions about our Carolinas eClubs:
What is the cost to join a Carolinas eClub?
The current annual fee for membership in a Carolinas eClub is $45 annually.
What are the requirements for joining an eClub?
In order to qualify for e-Club membership you must be a resident of or own property in North or South Carolina. When you apply for an e-Club membership you must use a valid North or South Carolina address or your application will be declined.
How long is my membership good for?
Your membership is good for one year from the date of your registration. As you approach your anniversary date, you will be sent email reminders with instructions on how to renew your membership.
How long does it take to approve my application for e-Club membership?
Your membership application is processed online in real time. If all information entered on the registration form is correct and complete, your e-Club membership should be approved and active within just a couple of minutes.
Can my child join an eClub?
There is a separate program for players under age 19 called Youth on Course (YOC). Please click here for further information.
What kinds of benefits are included with e-Club memberships?
Members who join a Carolinas eClub receive all of the same association benefits as other membership options. These include:
- A certified USGA GHIN™ Handicap Index™
- Entry into any association tournament or championship event for which the member is eligible
- Member Advantage program discounts
- One-Day tournaments (both gross and net divisions)
- Educational seminars and events
- Use of a smartphone app for posting and monitoring your scores and scoring history
- And many more ...
How does Auto-Renew work?
When you register you have the option to sign up for Auto-Renew. If you select this option, on your anniversary date your membership will automatically renew to the same e-Club using the credit card you originally submitted for your membership.
Approximately 30 days and again at 15 days prior to your auto-renew date, we will contact you by email to remind you of your upcoming auto-renewal. You will have the option to a) update or change your credit card information, b) opt out of the auto-renewal program, or c) terminate your membership at the end of your membership year. If you do not do respond to any of these options your membership will be extended for another year and you will be charged the e-Club membership rate for that year.
This is a great option to ensure your membership in the association never lapses and you find yourself scrambling to re-activate your account just prior to a tournament signup or an important member-guest.
What associations will I belong to?
If you are a resident of North Carolina you will be a member of the Carolinas Golf Association (CGA). If you are a resident of South Carolina, then in addition to the CGA membership, you also become a member of the South Carolina Golf Association (men & women) and the Women's South Carolina Golf Association (women).
How do I know what eClub to join?
Per the USGA's handicapping rules and policies, our e-Clubs are set up by geographic region. You will join the e-Club associated with the zip code of where you live or own property. Entering your zip code is the first step in the application process. You will be directed to the appropriate e-Club for you.
Do I have to belong to a Carolinas eClub to play in association events?
Not necessarily. You do, though, have to be an active member of the association and many times also have a valid GHIN™ handicap account .
If you are a member of the GHIN™ handicap roster at your own Carolinas club, golf course, or social/golf organization, then you are automatically a member of the association. So, you would not need to also join an eClub. Your association membership through your club makes you eligible for all association benefits.
You would only need to join an eClub if you were not already a GHIN™ handicap member at your club or golf course or through a member social/golf organization that belongs to our association.
If in doubt, please check with your club's professional staff or the manager of your golf/social organization.
What happens if I already have a GHIN™ number from another association or club?
You can still join our e-Clubs and use your existing GHIN™ number. This way you get to keep your GHIN™ number and all of your scoring history intact and will not have to start over with the GHIN™ system.
During the application process, you will be asked to find your previous GHIN™ record so that you may join our e-Club with the same GHIN™ account.
What happens if my previous GHIN™ account is inactive?
Even if your previous GHIN™ account is inactive you can still use that account to join the e-Club. During the application process you will be able to find your old GHIN™ account; once the registration is approved your old GHIN™ account will then become "active" and you can begin to post scores and track your history.
Somehow, I find myself with two different GHIN™ numbers. What should I do?
The USGA Handicapping policy requires each golfer to maintain only one GHIN™ number per member. If you accidently ended up with two different GHIN™ numbers, please contact the Carolinas GHIN™ Support department for assistance. You can email us at GHINsupport@carolinasgolf.org or call us at (910) 687-4040 during business hours of 8:30am to 5:00pm, Monday thru Friday.
How long will it take for me to have a certified Handicap Index™?
In order to establish a Handicap Index, a total of 54 holes must be played and posted to your scoring record. These scores can be made up of any combination of 9- or 18-hole rounds. Once you have posted a total of 54 holes, a Handicap Index will be issued to you the very next day. (Rule 4.5, Rules of Handicapping)
How can I learn more about how golf handicapping works?
The GHIN™ Handicapping System is governed by the United States Golf Association (USGA™) and is administered in the Carolinas by the Carolinas Golf Association. You can learn more about handicapping at the USGA™ website: www.usga.org. Select the menu options: Playing and then The USGA Handicap System™.
What if I made a mistake or changed my mind about becoming an eClub member?
Please contact us at GHINsupport@carolinasgolf.org as soon as possible. You generally have up to 30 days to change your mind and still receive a full refund. After that period of time, depending on circumstances, a refund may be prorated or may not be available at all.
My question has not been covered in these Frequently Asked Questions. Who can I contact for more information?
If you need additional information or assistance, please email us at GHINsupport@carolinasgolf.org. You may also reach us by telephone during business hours of 8:30am to 5:00pm, Monday thru Friday, at (910) 687-4040.
Contact Carolinas GHIN Support at ghinsupport@carolinasgolf.org or call (910) 687-4040 - Monday-Friday 8:30-5:00