WSCGA Policies & Rulings
The WSCGA is happy to prove Rules Reviews as a learning tool to all WSCGA members. We also provide Rules Seminars to member clubs free of charge. The seminars cover the most common rules scenarios that you encounter on the course and specific rulings that your ladies experience on your home course. If you are interested in scheduling a Rules Seminar please contact Clarissa Childs at 843-757-4653 or wscga@wscga.org.
Click Here for a copy of the WSCGA Constitution and Bylaws
Click Here for a copy of the WSCGA Policies and Procedures for State One Day Events
Click Here for a copy of the WSCGA Policies and Procedures for Championships
Click Here for a copy of the WSCGA Abuse and Molestation Prevention Policy
Click Here for a copy of the WSCGA Policies and Procedures for Hole-In-One Club